Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Banned In Pakistan?

I suppose I should be flattered by this? It's a mirror of this blog in order to get around Pakistani censors.

And I wonder why Pakistan would want to ban this blog. I'm sure it has nothing to do with this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

or this...

and certainly not this...


Anonymous said...

Now I'm bummed....I tried my blog in that address format...and got someone in Australia who uses the same name on blogspot. I want to be banned in Pakistan too!

Teflon said...

Crap---WordGirl and I wanted to be banned in Pakistan and you beat us to it!

We would try for "Banned in Russia" status but too many people keep turning up dead on that list lately.

Maybe "Banned in Canada"?

Hatless in Hattiesburg said...

just keep trying and i'm sure you can be banned there too.

or, since you're not banned yet, you might start getting more traffic from freedom-loving pakistanis.

and teflon, i'm "sure" it's just a coincidence that those opponents of putin all got thallium poisoning...