Monday, November 06, 2006

top seven mish-mash quotes

though most of them are funny, i hesitate to link to the rest, due to the (hopefully false) appearance of homicidal advocacy... 8^O>
"My circumference is 708 cheerios."

"Circuit analysis is much easier in communist countries because all resistors have been removed."

"Al Gore's transformation from abysmal failure to overweight bearded man is an inspiration to all Americans."

"I've played enough Blizzard games to realize that right now mother nature is engaging in the practice of "leveling" her hurricane... going around, picking off cows and trees and whatnot to increase its experience. The time to strike is now. By the time she gets it to category 7 it will be casting necromancy on other tropical storms and we will all be doomed by a bunch of zombie hurricanes."

"I think I would name my kids Snap, Crackle, and Pop. Inducing irreperable psychological damage in our young is a proud tradition in my family which I would hate to be the first one to renege on."

"Only a chupacabra deals in absolutes."

"I just had a great idea... Wiki-surgery! Instead of having an accredited professional perform surgery, you just have a bunch of random people who claim to know about surgery come and perform a bunch of minor incisions, nerve connections, etc., until the majority agrees that the surgery has been satisfactorily completed. (in the case of a revert-war... more anaesthesia?)"

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