Monday, November 06, 2006

In the footsteps of Reagan

Miss O'Hara:
I do not have trust in the Democratic party to defend America and her citizens. I do have that faith in the GOP - rockheaded as they may be, they understand far better what we face. The left won't even admit it - when they aren't welcoming it.

The left has done nothing in the face of terrorism but show its cowardice and cringing, masked by 'tolerance' and 'understanding'. They want to leave Iraq. They see no reason to tap the phones of suspected terrorists. They don't think our military is capable of winning the war, of protecting us.

The simple fact is that long ago, the left gave up on America. They disbelieved that any good could come of us, of freedom, of liberty. They disbelieve that we are intelligent enough to manage our own lives and make our own decisions. And they disbelieve that there is something worse than America in the world - in my mind, their greatest crime: it encourages them to set themselves against us and work with our enemies. How else to explain their adoration of Castro, their affection for Chavez and Achmadinejad and Saddam Hussein? To them, America is the greatest evil, and must be destroyed. It's a horrible affliction, a leprosy of the mind and spirit. Voting for them, and not voting at all, puts them in office - is this what you want? To inflict this upon our great, benevolent nation?

I am not talking about your average Democrat, the woman in the next cubicle, the doctor giving your child a flu shot or the man in the next welding bay. Those people, more often than not, still do love America. I know many of them. And they've no relationship whatsoever to Pelosi, Conyers, Kennedy, Kucinich, Kerry, know of whom I speak.

There's another reason I think the GOP has to be given another chance - a reason aside from the fact that they've proven themselves to be understanding about the current situation. It's that within most of them, I think the Reaganesque feeling is still there. It might be latent, or it might be obvious. But they, unlike the left, are capable of being awakened into decisive action instead of eternal positioning and politicking, if they've not already been startled into realization. In the meantime, the left is being purely negligent in their duty to provide, first and foremost, for the protection of America and her people.

If - when? - America is next attacked, the conservatives and GOP are going to be the ones demanding and working for defense and justice. The left will demand negotiation, understanding, and acquiesence - and not out of kindness, but out of craven cowardice and a lack of true strength in their beings. The left talks a fine game, but when it comes down to blood, sweat, and steel, they cannot be found on the battlefield, but cringing and begging for mercy, giving ground rather than standing on it until the last breath escapes in order to defend it. They have no faith in America. They are more akin to our enemies than they are to us.

Is that the face we wish to present to our enemies? Should the left win Tuesday, that is the face the world will see Wednesday morning.
She continues, then links to this lengthy proof defending our president's actions.

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