Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Duckwriter makes some bad assumptions:
I think bloggers should have the same kind of code (of ethics). I see no reason why we can't get together and form a society in which a code (unique to blogging) can be agreed upon... If blogging really is going to become a new medium, rather than simply a loose confederation of ideologues -- and if we wish to be viewed as a viable alternative to the mainstream media -- then we are going to have to start doing the actual work of journalism, rather than being content to throw spitballs at the MSM when they screw up.

(I've posted on this before)
  1. I see lots of reasons bloggers (c/w)ouldn't agree on a code.
  2. Journalists already had a code, which was just about as effective as a UN resolution.
  3. Who will enforce these rules - thought police?
  4. I have less than zero interest in joining a society.
  5. Who says blogging has to become a new medium?
  6. I care nothing about being part of a new media. (Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss.)
  7. I don't need another job that doesn't pay.
  8. It's called freedom of speech - look it up.
You can take my blog when you pry it from my fact-checkin', pajama-wearin', cold dead cheetos-stained fingers.

UPDATE: Duckwriter responded, and I commented there. Also, his observations about the lameness of the CBS investigation and the Washington re-re-recounts are spot-on.

1 comment:

Hatless in Hattiesburg said...

Thanks for the link - you'll be on my links in about five minutes...