Saturday, January 29, 2005

go read...

Mish Mash's essay about Intelligent Design, which objectively clarifies the benefits of I.D. without muddying the waters with a creation vs. evolution debate.

(Then for some fun at Osama's expense, read the previous post.)

UPDATE: Blue Goldfish reports a different "philosophical framework for understanding the universe" that I had not heard of before. I don't know enough about the theory to recommend it, but it does look fascinating.


sackofcatfood said...

Huh? I do what? :p

Heh, thanks for the links. :)

sackofcatfood said...

Dooyeweerd's theory is rather interesting, and I like the unique take one some things, but I can't help but feel that much of it is a little contrived. His aspects, for example, I am inclined to suspect were chosen, rather than derived, but I suppose I'll just have to read some of his work and find out. :)