Monday, September 11, 2006

banned in boston

Despite the Clintonistas' calls for censorship, the clips that were edited out of ABC's "Path To 9/11" are available for viewing at Redstate.

Slick Willie's "legacy" is lower than the pit where the towers stood.

update: Meathead is at it again:
"I think we all can agree that it's in everybody's best interests for the Republicans to be searching out the perpetrators who were complicit in the 9/11 attacks, rather than spending time actively trying to set the blame on the previous administration."
And I think we all can agree that it's in everybody's best interests for the Democrats to stop defending the Clinton administration whose criminal negligence encouraged the 9/11 attacks, rather than spending time actively attacking the current administration for trying to defend the country during wartime.
"It's become apparent that it ain't just the housewives that have become desperate."
No kidding, Meathead.

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