Thursday, July 20, 2006

know your enemy

some may be offended at several words used in this post, but considering the subject matter, the language is actually quite restrained...
Proportional response? PROPORTIONAL RESPONSE?

Do you have any idea who it is we are talking about here? Hezbollah. HEZBOLLAH. This is not the ‘Jaycees of Lebanon’... These are murdering bloodthrirsty and I do mean BLOODTHIRSTY thugs. You notice al-Qaeda hasn’t spoke a word in support of these corpse loving, coprophagic freaks? That’s because they are too far out even for good old Osama himself. Even that freak has standards and these guys aren’t on even their mailing lists for his annual holiday Ramadan Cards.

Compared to Hassan Nasrallah, Osama is like Barney Fife.

Hezbollah is like Al-Qaeda, only Hezbollah has a sponsor. It has Iran, it has Syria. Hezbollah is what Al-Qaeda would be if we would have stayed out of Afghanistan. Hezbollah is what Al-Qaeda would be in Iraq if we had stayed out of there too. Hezbollah is the very definition of state-sponsored terrorism. Given the chance, Hezbollah what every terror group hopes to be. Free to move at will, given cover by the local population, who they promptly use as human shields, free to extort the host government for cover from the intrusive international government law enforcement.

Imagine Charles Manson and his gang, The Baader-Meinhof gang, The IRA, the Weather Underground, the KKK, the Nazi Party and the "People's Temple" all being gathered together. Now, feed them a solid diet of meth and put them in an isolated desert camp for 30 years.

That’s Hezbollah.

Now, some jacka** decides to give them a warehouse of Katushya missiles and tells them that all their problems will be solved when you and your neighborhood are removed from the earth.

When this starts to happen, are you going to act "proportionally" in response? As in, just sit around and do nothing while these animals fire rockets loaded with large caliber buckshot into your kid’s playground? Your grocery store? Your home?

They dont want to negotiate - they want you dead. There's no peace treaty, no trade route to give them, no "common ground" unless its your grave. Thats all they want. You and your family - dead.

The only possible sane act for a decent person to take, the only act that any person interested in justice and peace could consider is to do whatever it takes to end this threat to life and civilization.


Proportional response? Based on (the numerous attacks on Israel since 1948), we are way behind our quota in the removal of Hezbollah and its Iranian zookeepers. Proportional to me means we've got a lot of work to do in killing Hezbollah.

1 comment:

bodeg said...

Israel does not belong in the Middle East. Israel, or America,
belongs there as much as Russia or whoever else.