Thursday, July 27, 2006

it's his mind

Bless po' Naman, his lil' ol' mind and his puny lil' heart is sho' messed up...
America, God bless her. It’s not her heart, Lord, it’s her mind. She doesn’t mean to be unkind. She doesn’t know what she’s doing.

She’s just insane and drunk from too much power, self-righteousness, hypocrisy, arrogance, selfishness, greed and stupidity.
Projection: the first resort of the anti-American leftard. He's the insane one serving up the heapin' helpin' of self-righteousness, hypocrisy, arrogance, selfishness, greed and stupidity.
It’s hard, if not impossible, for people – even good-hearted people - to think in morally intelligent ways when their minds have become so infected by all these things.
So let's explore Naman's infected mind, shall we?
She’s lost her understanding. She has lost the ability to judge wisely and justly. She can’t see the different degrees of wrong and right. Instead of correcting a wrong with a right, she attempts to correct it with a greater wrong without even realizing it.
You mean like correcting pollution with the Kyoto protocols? or correcting fornication with abortion? How about correcting class envy with mass graves?
She has lost her vision and cannot see into the distance. She cannot see to the left or right. She cannot see where she’s been. She cannot see the details in front of her and she cannot see into the night.
As the article continues, it becomes perfectly clear who the blind one is.
There’s nothing that I can do about it. I’m just a cricket in the high weeds in the midst of a buffalo stampede.
A better comparison would be a dung beetle feeding on execrable Kos patties.
There are millions of other crickets just like me but how can we be heard over the thundering hooves of 300 million buffalo?
Your anti-American ilk control MSM and Hollywood, spreading your pathetic nihilism around the globe 24-7, and you complain about not being heard?!?
In the great scheme of things, humanity hasn’t made an inch of progress since the dawn of civilization.
No phone, no lights, no motorcars, not a single luxury...

And by the way, Naman, what's that you're typing on, hmmm?
We’re still settling our differences with war and killing instead of through respectful talk and peaceful means.
Agreed, war stinks. Peaceful means are preferred. And it's obvious who is the master of civil discourse...
Before America dropped the first atomic bomb and learned that she could rule the world by killing the women and children of her enemies by the hundreds of thousands, it didn’t make much difference.
...and before Islam slammed the first airliner into NYC trying to rule the world by killing the women and children of her enemies by the thousands, they were trying rule the world by killing the women and children of her enemies for centuries anyway.
But now that we’ve moved so deep into the nuclear age with this terrible power to destroy all life on earth, we continue to enforce our imperial will on the world through war and the collateral killing of the innocent, while washing the guilty blood from our hands and claiming that we are just defending ourselves and doing the righteous thing according to God’s will.
The difference between us and them is that we mourn "the collateral killing of the innocent", while Islam positively revels in it, all the while claiming that they are just defending themselves and doing the righteous thing according to Allah’s will.
We think that because we have more nuclear missiles and other weapons of mass destruction than all the other nations of the world combined, we can have our way with the weaker nations and shape their governments to suit our needs, while claiming that we are just trying to make the world safe for democracy and lasting peace.
If you believe that any other nation in the history of the planet would have shown more restraint with the amount of power that America currently wields, you have absolutely no concept of reality. And if you believe that any other nation in the history of the planet has expended more effort to make the world safe for democracy and lasting peace, you are utterly deluded.
We think that because we are the only Super Power, we can maintain alliances with the seven or eight other nations that have nuclear weapons and outlaw any attempts by the weaker nations to develop nuclear weapons.
I thought you leftards were against nuclear weapons. Are you now saying there should be more?
We think that it is great wisdom for us to extend our nuclear capabilities into space so that we can better defend our nation and our allies against nuclear attack.
Yes, defending life is a good thing. This concept continues to escape the left.
We think that no other nation should object to this because it is purely a defensive measure and that the United States, being so good and so loved by God, would never use such an advantage to her advantage and force all the other nations to submit to her desires.
It seems Naman has never learned the difference between "offense" and "defense".
If America could see herself as others see her, she would see why she can’t be trusted to rule the world with her iron fist and the strength of her war machine and her nuclear weapons.
If Naman could see America's enemies as they really are, he would see why they shouldn’t be trusted to rule the world either.
She would see why her word and her moral reasoning can no longer be trusted. But America, blinded by the glow of her own self-righteous goodness, is not ever going to see that.
Blinded by the glow of his own self-righteous goodness, neither will Naman.
Look closely at America now. Is she much different in her ways than in those days when she determined that God had given her this land and that the native people that lived here were nothing more than savages and terrorists not worthy of being listened to or allowed to co-exist, even on their own land?
Look closely at Islam now. Is it much different in its ways than in those (even earlier) days when it determined that Allah had given them the right to exterminate the infidel, even on their own land?
Didn’t that vote of 410 – 8 in the People’s House just last week, when we failed to call for a ceasefire and threw our complete support to Israel, giving her the green light to continue her killing of Lebanese civilians as if she were the one suffering the disproportionate amount of civilian deaths and not the other way around, show the world our true mind?
"Failing to call for (or honor) a ceasefire" is a tactic employed by Islamofascists for decades - decades in which it was causing the disproportionate amount of civilian deaths Naman so bemoans.
Too much has taken place over the past month to go into all the details, but apparently this latest increase in speed toward World War III was triggered on June 25 when Palestinian militants killed two Israeli soldiers and captured a third at an army post on the Israel-Gaza border.
Kudos go to Naman for picking a relevant detail, especially in light of the fact that he glosses over so very very many of them.
Apparently the objective of the militants was to trade the captured soldier for more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners (including many women and minors)...
Uh, weren't you lefties concerned about "disproportionate response"? 1000 for 3 seems a bit lopsided to me.
but Israel’s reaction was to attack with missiles and move troops into Gaza, even though she would have still had about 8,000 prisoners left if she had given in to the demands.
Gaza: a small parcel of land which Israel gave away expecting peace in return and getting none.
The UN Security Council debated a draft resolution demanding an immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces and the release of detained Palestinian officials which she had captured, but the U.S. prevented it, claiming that the resolution was unbalanced.
Perhaps because it was unbalanced? But at least now the UN can get back to its primary mission of trading food for underage sex.
On July 12, while Israel was bombing the Gaza Strip, killing 22 Palestinians (the score would be about 100 to 1 within a few days), a group of Hezbollah guerrillas, using a rocket attack against several Israeli towns as a diversion, sneaked across the contested border and captured a couple of soldiers and killed three more, according to press reports, apparently for the purpose of demanding the release of more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners and a Lebanese prisoner to boot.

Israel’s response was to scorch the earth and rain down death and destruction on Lebanon. By July 25 she had killed about 380 Lebanese (mostly civilians) and had suffered about 40 deaths (17 civilians and 23 soldiers). She had also displaced over 700,000 Lebanese from their homes and torn the country’s infrastructure to shreds, wounding about 1,100 and causing billions of dollars in damage.
Wonder how that total compares to the death and destruction Islamofascists have caused. (And when was the last time you heard about Islam helping to rebuild the countries of its former enemies the way America helped rebuilt Germany, Japan, Iraq, etc.?)
President George W. Bush and the US Congress, apparently reflecting the mind of the American people, made no effort to stop this fight and prevent the unnecessary overkill of the innocent and the leveling of the country.
Just as leftists make no effort to stop killing babies in the womb.
Their reasoning was that Israel had the right to defend herself, case closed. Their reasoning was that Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon were terrorist organizations whose method of fighting was to kill innocent civilians for the purpose of wiping Israel off the map and forcing their religion on the world. Case closed.
So what's the problem? (and how many times do you get to close the case?)
Their reasoning, apparently, was that the democratic governments of Lebanon and Palestine were not legitimate because they included members of Hamas and Hezbollah and allowed the militant strains of these groups sanctuary within their borders.
I've heard no one make the claim that the Lebanese government is not legitimate. The Palestinian government, however, is one of the combatants, and is therefore a legitimate target.
And as President Bush indicated in his off-the-cuff remark to Great Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair at the G-8 peace summit, Syria could stop this in a minute if she wanted to. And Iran is to blame too for supporting Hamas and Hezbollah with money to buy weapons.

Apparently America is unwilling to ask for a ceasefire and an end to all this unnecessary killing of the innocents and the continued destruction of these two lands and their democratically elected governments until all the terrorists have been forced to disband and lay down their arms. Case closed.
Apparently Naman is unwilling to ask Hamas, Hezbollah, et al, for a ceasefire "and an end to all this unnecessary killing of the innocents and the continued destruction of these two lands and their democratically elected governments", because deep down he knows how utterly futile that would be.

And again with the case-closing...
And so the war goes on and heats up, with the apparent hope by Bush and his homeboys that they can pull Syria and Iran into it and then beat them into the ground with their superior weapons and firepower, and their clever ability to divide and conquer the Arab world through their power, wealth and influence.
"Pull Syria and Iran into it"?!? Syria and Iran are the puppetmasters forcing the issue in the first place.

And if America was in fact so "insane and drunk from too much power", it wouldn't even need an excuse, and Mecca, Medina, Tehran, and Damascus would already be glowing green glass craters.
Meanwhile our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are boiling nicely...
though quite a bit cooler than they boiled for the Soviet Union...
and we’re keeping a watchful eye on North Korea, in case she gives us a legitimate excuse to blow her out of the water and finally claim victory in the Korean War.
1) Vigilance is the price of freedom, and

2) If we weren't keeping an eye on NK and one of Lil'Kim's Taepodongs landed on something important, Naman and his whiny homeboys would scream bloody murder that Bush hadn't done more to protect us.
And when we’ve finished with all of this, we’ve still got Russia and China on our plate, but we’re a people with big appetites and several more courses to go through before we’ve completed our meal of consuming all the bad guys in the name of Jesus and everlasting peace in the world.
So now Naman is against everlasting world peace?! Good grief.
It’s not her heart, Lord, it’s her mind. She won’t negotiate with terrorists but she doesn’t understand that the greatest terrorists are the ones that kill the most innocents and that it doesn’t make any difference if the killing is done under the legitimate cover of a uniform or a breech cloth.
Naman is correct in stating that killing is bad. Maybe I'll start worrying about the death toll inflicted by Israel when it even approaches the 100 million killed by communism PLUS the 40 million killed by abortion PLUS the 4-6 million killed by the Holocaust.
If the terrorists are still fighting after half a century, could it be possible that their reasons are not no simple as an abiding hate for our freedoms and their desires to wipe Israel off the map and force the world to give up their religions and accept Islam?
1) Islam has been killing its neigbors for much longer than a half century.

2) The duration of that fight actually makes the religious aspect a much more likely cause.
Isn’t there even the vaguest possibility that they might be fighting for one of their own, so that they can have a piece of the ground that their ancestors left them to live on freely and independently like any other nation of people on earth?
Even if it were true, how would that reason differ from Israel's?
We can never know unless we allow them the respect of sitting with us under the pipe of peace and allow them to speak of their true desires and their needs as common people who walk the earth as equals to all other human beings.
They have indeed spoken their true desires, and they most certainly do not consider themselves equal to all other human beings. (and I'll refrain from making jokes about the "pipe of peace", because all the hippies would start giggling and forget what we were talking about.)
Even if America is unable to accept this, with all her intelligence, why is she unable to realize that the faster we race towards nuclear war, the more space we’re going to need to slow down before we hit the wall?

Why is it so hard for America to understand that she has been going too fast in the direction of atomic destruction for too long and should have started slowing down a long time ago?
Why is Naman unable to realize that we are not the ones racing towards nuclear war? He should go see how well Iran's Ahmadinejad recieves those arguments.
When we take that last strike and the final war hits us in the face, what difference is it going to make who was right and who was wrong, who started it or who Jesus loves the best?
If you make the argument that right and wrong make no difference, Naman, why do you keep invoking the names of 'Jesus' and 'Lord'?
It’s not her heart, Lord, it’s her mind. Even if she brings about the final destruction of mankind, never let it be said that she knew what she was doing, or that she didn’t go down swinging.
But in Naman's mind, it's quite alright for anyone else to bring about the final destruction of mankind, just so long as they know what they're doing.
With all her quoting from the Good Book, and the Ten Commandments and her claims of love, she never thought about the hate she was creating, or that it would have a greater destructive force when finally unleashed than all her nuclear bombs.
With all the leftists' claims of hating hypocrisy, they really ought to grow a brain, live in the real world for once, and drop this sort of pathetic pseudo-religious posturing.

Case closed.

1 comment:

Col. B. Bunny said...

-- "I thought you leftards were against nuclear weapons. Are you now saying there should be more?"

Good one.

-- "Perhaps because it was unbalanced? But at least now the U.N. can get back to its primary mission of trading food for underage sex."


Quite frankly, I AM blinded by my own self-righteous goodness. My friends are blinded by theirs. All Americans are. It's our defining characteristic. Is there a problem with that? On that point alone, Naman Crowe deserves to mentioned in dispatches.

Mr. Crowe's concept of native peoples being "worthy of being listened to or allowed to co-exist" is so precious. To the moon calves of the leftodrome, the historical experience of mankind no longer teaches useful lessons.

The U.S. can be held to any unique and private standard, no matter how ludicrous, because it's exceptional. Never mind that it's exceptional in limited ways: in endeavoring to provide for limits on governmental power and in requiring the consent of the governed.

No matter. Because of these goals the U.S. thus must be held to be exceptional in every other way imagineable.

Why, we're still governed by the law of gravity. Something sinister in that!

U.S. engage in self defense? Whoa! An offense against idealism!

U.S. take note of beastly swine and swinish beasts aching to rape our men and abolish bacon? Clear proof of depravity and hypocrisy!

There is no logical limit.

Mark Twain observed that the ladies back East who worried about the plight of the Indians probably hadn't witnessed an Indian digging sinews out of the backs of white settlers . . . while they were still alive. The existence of evil in the world generally ruins any number of my weekends but the world is not gripped by a Manikean . . . um, Mannequin . . . um, Manikehan . . . um, Herculean struggle between good and evil. Most of the time the world struggles with the eternal battle between sort of bad and really bad. The left has that eternal capability to hit the air raid siren no matter what.

President Bush make a grammatical error? Cretinism!

President Bush make an error in judgment? Christian fundamentalism at its worst!

Gitmo air conditioning broken? Torture!

Aberrant troop conduct in Iraq? Bush Administration policy!

Mr. Crowe just hates the idea that dumbass Americans allow their actions and wishes to be influenced by their religious beliefs. It seems that every one of us goes to sleep at night and wakes up in the morning with the thought, "What would Jesus do today?" Apparently we're back in Calvin's Geneva instead of modern day T&A America.

I'd rather try to defend the concept of immaculate conception and papal infallibility than defend the mooncalf certainties about human nature and economic reality on the left. No such hesitancy on the left. The clarity of the vision of Man's Universal Goodness and the simple magnificence of one's dreams and hopes for Mankind positively trump any claim of logic or actual human experience. Talk about misguided religiosity!

Bless you for your willingness to keep knocking down the doll. I doubt seriously that if Mr. Crowe read your post that he'd know he's been bitch slapped.

I disagree with you only on this point:

-- "Naman is correct in stating that killing is bad. Maybe I'll start worrying about the death toll inflicted by Israel when it even approaches the 100 million killed by communism PLUS the 40 million killed by abortion PLUS the 4-6 million killed by the Holocaust."

The crimes of Communists and Nazis and the elevation of abortion to the status of a sacrament are odious in their own right but the better comparison is of the deaths caused by Israel (notwithstanding its sincere desire to limit civilian casualties if at all possible) and the killings by Islamic terrorists of Israeli and other noxious infidel civilians (as the main goal of the killing).

Nor can we overlook the massacres, rapes, lootings, and enslavements by Muslims throughout history.

Frankly, when Muslims dance with rage in the streets over the killing of their own civilians but smile with joy at the killings of infidel civilians, I feel like switching to the Cartoon Channel.

Call it hypocrisy fatigue.