Thursday, January 05, 2006

open letter to europe

from vodkapundit:
Dear Old Europe,

We'd like a little help with one tiny thing, please. In case you hadn't noticed, Iran is trying to get nukes. You remember Iran, don't you? But before we get to all that, let's clear the air about some things.

I understand you and I don't always see eye to eye – and not just on foreign policy. So let's forget Iraq for a few minutes, because that's an entirely different kettle of gefilte fish...

But when push doesn't come to shove, we really want the same thing: to get about the business of enjoying our lives and our families. Now, you think you can get there by playing nice, while we think we have to play nasty from time to time. For all the friction of our different means, you and I still desire the same ends...

Ahmadinejad says he wants to wipe Israel off the map. How's that for nuts? He's not making any idle threat, either, like launching "a thousand-year Reich" or promising "liberty, equality, fraternity." Iran wants nukes. Iran has an advanced nuclear program. We'd like to stop them, without using military means.

And we'd sure like some help, fellas.
read the rest.

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