Sunday, January 22, 2006

frog watch

What's the French term for "unilateralist cowboy"?


Anonymous said...

After all the *terrorism* in France created by rioting Muslim citizens- wouldn't they essentially have to nuke themselves?

I think the answer to your question should be: Oxymoron. Ca va?

Hatless in Hattiesburg said...

good point. nuking themselves *would* let them surrender and be ultranationalist at the same time.

i'm not sure what california and virginia have to do with this, though... :)

Anonymous said...

So, I'm sitting here going- whaaa..?

How am i going to tell HinH how clueless I am?

So glad... I can laugh in relief LOL. It's a running joke that I alway need *2 clues*! :0).