Thursday, January 19, 2006

good question & good point

Monday Evening asks:
"My clothes dryer has a setting called “optimal.” Why does it have any other settings?"
and says:
Meaning well is not enough. Outrage proves nothing. Feeling strongly does not tell me anything. Weeping just tells me you are sad. In a policy discussion I do not care what you feel. Tell me what you think, and why.

Are we now to decide questions of public policy by who is angrier? Sadder? Better able to feign rightous indignation? Guess what; I do not care how strongly you feel, or what you feel...

So, you politicians and newsmen: Stop weeping, choking, hollering and wagging your finger. Get a hold of yourself and act like men, whether you are speaking on the floor of the United States Senate or on a talk show.
Same here.

1 comment:

sackofcatfood said...

I disagree. Congressmen should indeed be weeping. And their weeping should be intricately tied to well-placed groing kicks, courtesy we tax payers.

How are we supposed to trust an agent of government who faces no punitive measures for poor service?