Thursday, August 04, 2005

today's 2nd "Princess Bride" reference

Pseudo-Polymath has the wittiest headline I've seen in reference to the Democrat's religious profiling of the most recent Supreme Court nominee: "The Dread Catholic Roberts". If you haven't seen the movie, that is a spoof of a character name in the movie "Princess Bride". When my co-worker saw the headline, he came up with this 'adaptation' of some lines from the movie.
"No one would fear the Dread Secular Wesley, so I went by a pseudonym."

"Judge Roberts, tell us of your clerking experience with Chief Justice Rehnquist."
"Well, after writing briefs all day, he would say, 'Good work today, John. Sleep well. Most likely kill you in the morning.'"

(p.s. okay, technically the first Princess Bride reference was yesterday, but it was less than 24 hours ago.)

1 comment:

Mark said...

Thank you very much for the kind comments and link. And the dialog you provide was precious. I love it.