Friday, August 12, 2005

Able Danger

Why are these liars still covering for Clinton's treacherous ineptitude?
The Sept. 11 commission knew military intelligence officials had identified lead hijacker Mohamed Atta as a member of al-Qaida who might be part of U.S.-based terror cell more than a year before the terror attacks but decided not to include that in its final report, a spokesman acknowledged Thursday.

Al Felzenberg, spokesman for the commission's follow-up project called the 9/11 Public Discourse Project, had said earlier this week that the panel was unaware of intelligence specifically naming Atta. But he said subsequent information provided Wednesday confirmed that the commission had been aware of the intelligence.
More links to the story at Discerning Texan.

Update: Still more links at Michelle Malkin, and a list of Captain's Quarters posts on the "Danger Enablers".

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