Saturday, August 06, 2005

I felt the same way in NYC

Iowahawk chronicles reporters' hardships:
...dozens of panicked media professionals wandering the streets of Crawford, searching in vain for alternative weeklies, gallery openings and Peruvian-Vietnamese tapa parlors, only to be met with blank stares and offers of free beer. The experience stunned many.

"I spent at least three hours yesterday hailing a cab, with no luck," noted Frank Bruni, the New York Times' White House correspondent. "I guess I'll just have to take the subway."

"I thought three years living in a rural backwater like Seattle, Washington would prepare me for the primitive conditions of Crawford," added visibly shaken Slate correspondent Bryan Curtis. "That was before I spent six straight mornings without a venti double mocha skim latte."

His eyes welling, Curtis described how he was forced to survive on 89-cent coffee from the Chevron Gas Mart.
Reminds me of the time we went to NYC. We were looking for an Allsup's to get some chimichangas and a 64 oz. Dr. Pepper, and all we could find was some dump charging $60 for a shriveled-up sirloin.


update: Blue Goldfish has a nice thoughtful commentary of the ideas in these posts.

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