Friday, April 28, 2006

May Day

Some comments at Wizbang on the illegal immigrant protests scheduled for May 1st:
I can't just run into Mexico and say, "hey! I deserve to be a citizen of your country with full rights of a native born Mexican because I am here and this is how I feel". The Mexican government would let me know how they feel 'real fast'.

(To illegals who want to be American) Pay taxes, defend your country, wave the AMERICAN FLAG and sing the Star Spangled Banner in ENGLISH.

How does failing to show up for work prove that you are doing "jobs that Americans won't do"?

I'm getting increasingly tired of the "We stole the Southwest from Mexico" line. Read your history, and you will find that the United States paid 15 million dollars to Mexico for that land, an exorbitant amount in 1848. Did the Spanish reimburse the Aztecs or other native tribes?
And inspired by another comment, I think the slogan for the day should be "A Day Without Illegals Is Like A Day Without Cancer."

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