Monday, April 10, 2006


WELCOME: LEGAL immigrants.
  • People who will work to make a better life for themselves and their families.
  • People who obey the laws of America.
  • People who seek to become American.
  • People who, while honoring their heritage, make an effort to assimilate themselves into their chosen homeland.
  • People willing to learn English, the predominant language in America.
  • People who want to build up America.
  • (and anyone who helps them achieve these goals.)

  • People who want a better life for themselves, but are unwilling to work for it.
  • People who circumvent the laws of America.
  • People who want to take over America.
  • People who want all the benefits of being American, but refuse to assimilate themselves into their chosen homeland.
  • People unwilling to learn English, the predominant language in America.
  • People who want to tear down America.
  • (and anyone who helps them achieve these goals.)

1 comment:

Jerry Novick said...

Word up. My wife's family worked hard to come here legally, did everything that was required of them and are proud to be Americans. They didn't waste time marching in protest against the very laws that outlined how they could have citizenship and participate in the benefits of this nation; they spent their time earning it.