Saturday, April 09, 2005

can you say "addicted to ellipses"?...

more random links...

RWD said Monday, but he didn't say which Monday...

Good riddance to big brother...

Blue Goldfish asks "At what point does a church stop being church? Christ knocked over the money-changing tables at the Temple. Should we begin to knock over the power-point projectors...?"

Well, there they go again...

Were McVeigh and AlQaeda linked? New evidence...

LaShawn, Michelle, and to a lesser extent Rightwingsparkle, have been battling idiot trolls. (warning: foul language.) (UPDATE: Little Green Footballs has even more.) I wonder why the trolls don't pick on someone their own size - perhaps a paramecium? It's like the cliffs of Dover being "attacked" by a dust storm...

Although I agree with LaShawn on most points, I disagree with a couple of her pet peeves about bloggers. #9 and #10 in her list complain about bloggers who remain anonymous. I contend that there are too many scammers & crazies crawling on the net looking for personal info. Now my main pet peeve is blogger who uses a brown template with a lot of little squares underneath the title - what's up with that? :) I'm kidding of course...

If you thought the Monty Python limerick was bad, check this out, and this related photo...

Speaking of writing good headlines, Dustbury will be added to the blogroll...

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