Monday, December 06, 2004

massively unscientific poll

I have been thinking about the amount of additions/updates to do to my blogroll. I assume most people who read blogs know who the major bloggers are, and have them bookmarked or can find them easily. Therefore, I try to keep my list relatively small and quality-checked, rather than a huge list of any sites I ever found remotely interesting. I like to think of it as a neghborhood map rather than a country map. (Besides, I don't know how to code those auto-updating blogrolls like the one at Scrappleface.)

So here is my question: Should I keep my link list smaller, or drastically expand it? Please comment.


sackofcatfood said...

You mean my blog counts as quality!?

I actually really like your blog roll (and not just because it's one of the few I'm actually on!) because it's readable. That's not something I've really noticed in other blogrolls. It is really helpful that you divide it into content sections. Most blog names are rather uninformative as to their actual content. Your blogroll is one of the few where I actually have some notion what the content is of what I'm clicking.

Just my $0.02.

Hatless in Hattiesburg said...

Thanks. I made a couple of changes, but expect a few more in the near future.