Friday, November 06, 2009

that's crazy

update: one cnn headline said "what set off maj. hasan?". apparently cnn doesn't read yahoo news:
Soldiers reported that the gunman shouted "Allahu Akbar!" — Arabic for "God (sic) is great!" — before opening fire.

i've only met one sane psychiatrist and one sane muslim, and the fort hood shooter isn't one of them:
"(Major Nidal Malik Hasan) was making outlandish comments condemning our foreign policy and claimed Muslims had the right to rise up and attack Americans," Col Lee told Fox News.

"He said Muslims should stand up and fight the aggressor and that we should not be in the war in the first place." He said that Maj Hasan said he was "happy" when a US soldier was killed in an attack on a military recruitment centre in Arkansas in June. An American convert to Islam was accused of the shootings.

Col Lee said that other officers had told him that Maj Hasan had said "maybe people should strap bombs on themselves and go to Time Square" in New York.
like they say, it's the rotten 99.9% that give the .1% a bad name...

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