Saturday, November 21, 2009


just overheard a line on tv from some old british comedy on pbs that inadvertently describes me:
"he has a certain flair for appearing derelict"


The Local Malcontent said...

Ah yes- "Last of The Summer Wine"- the longest running Britcom, the longest running show in TV history in fact-'continually' since 1973~!

It's said, that the Queen is especially fond of you,,, Er, that scruffy little person, "Compo".
That most serene and compelling themesong of which, composed by Ronny Hazelhurst, can be heard here.

Within the Britcom genre, I'd have imagined you to be more like "Young Mr. Grace" from AYBS.

Hatless in Hattiesburg said...

i wouldn't have known the reference was obvious, as i wasn't actually watching it, or even in the same room with the tv.

and i wouldn't have thought of "young mr. grace", but i couldn't think of any one britcom character that i'd resemble. unless, maybe, halfway between lister & rimmer of red dwarf...

The Local Malcontent said...

it's in the timing: your post verses the TexPBS schedule.
"Last of the Summer Wine" came on moments before you posted, and the 'derelict' reference was then obvious to the least TV addict....

check out young Mr. Grace-- he's cool-- like you~!