Thursday, November 05, 2009

the pot calling the dove black

Realizing that they have no legal basis, the UN invents another scheme to guilt-trip the productive portions of society:
Yvo de Boer, the top U.N. climate official who oversees the (global warming/cooling scam) negotiations, said any decision emerging from Copenhagen that is accepted by all 192 countries would be "morally binding" even without formal legal status.
For the UN to claim something is "morally binding" is beyond laughable, as proven by their record of im- and a-morality:

UN-backed Congo military offensive results in more than 1,000 civilians killed, 7,000 raped, and 900,000 displaced.

Fifty UN peacekeepers receive slap on wrist for sex abuses.

UN slaps its own wrist for massive Oil-For-Food corruption.

UN peacekeepers in Liberia have been accused of selling food for sex from girls as young as 8.

UN promotes sexual promiscuity to children.

UN leaves its own soldiers to die.

UN plans to steal by illegal taxation.

Too bad they don't just withdraw, as they do from certain other opposing forces which shall remain (cough ISLAM cough) nameless: "Embattled UN rethinking Afghan-Pakistan role"

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