Saturday, April 25, 2009

oh rush

again, i agree with a lot of what rush limbaugh says, but this is an ignorant overstatement:
"Nobody's buying (hybrid cars). Nobody wants them! The manufacturers are making them in droves to satisfy Obama! Sorry for yelling. Nobody wants them!"
that kind of hyperbole reminds me of someone else i knew, when trying to state "i don't like (x)" would actually say "nobody likes (x)". his list of proclamations included:
  • "nobody drives a saturn"
  • "nobody eats at boston market"
  • "nobody shops at sears"
  • "nobody listens to classical music"
although there's a semi-valid point in the rant about political pressure to build them, claiming that "nobody's buying hybrid cars" is just absurd.

if nothing else, there's a huge market in san francisco and south austin...

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