Saturday, January 24, 2009

1 billion... 840 million...

...and now a bid of 750 million from the hatless man in the back row.


The Local Malcontent said...

I read the original post, authored by our friend, Vodkapundit, but I just couldn't understand it.

Isn't the apparent greed implied in/by same, exactly what is happening already, by banks, by both states and cities, schools, unions, universities and Planned Parenthood?

If this government offered me,
X Million/Billion dollars, I'd run away screaming, as fast as I could, as soon as I could, and hide.
Or simply decline the offer.

Hatless in Hattiesburg said...

i think it's like a double (triple?) spoof. it parodies the sheer unadulterated greed and nonsense of these bailouts, and parodies it again because that kind of a bailout would be more effective (in the ways listed) than the real ones.

like the quote from an old simpson's episode, "dude, are you being sarcastic?""man, i just don't know any more"

i think...