Friday, September 09, 2005

we want answers

Rightwingsparkle wants answers, not just insinuating questions:
For days we were subjected to (reporters questioning) about the hurricane victims lacking food and water for DAYS! How could this happen in America?? We were asked over and over. We finally get an answer to that question and (the reporters) are nowhere to be found. When they thought it was Bush's fault it was the lead, but when it is proven it was not, they don't even mention it. Since Tuesday when the story broke, I have looked and looked and could not find one mention of it in any msm news other than the one who broke the story, Fox News. If this story is a lie or a spin, then THAT should be the story. But there is NO excuse for ignoring this story. NONE.
She has a lot more to say about the hurricane's aftermath - check out her previous posts too (including a link to this map).

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