Friday, September 09, 2005


California Assemblyman Mark Wyland has this piece about illegal immigration.
Most people recognize that illegal immigration is unfair to tax-paying citizens and unfair to legal immigrants who wait their turn in line. Further, the United States is a nation built on the rule of law, and failure by the government to enforce immigration laws is a dangerous lesson that law in general may be selectively enforced or obeyed.
Read the rest - the article goes on to contradict some of the myths about illegal immigration, including this:
In fact, most illegal immigrants are competing directly with America's most vulnerable citizens: our working poor and those with less education and skills. Studies demonstrate that between 1980 and 2000, the overabundance of immigrant labor has decreased the average yearly earnings of citizens by $1,700, or 4 percent. Worse, citizens without a high school diploma have experienced a 7.4 percent decrease in their earnings directly attributable to this competition.
So the next time you hear anyone speaking against stricter border controls, you'll know that they care nothing for America or its poor.

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