Saturday, September 06, 2008

do i detect a pattern?

nuke did:
Trying to keep up with the on-going character assassination attempt by the MSM has been tough.

Have I left any out?

1) Trig not Palin’s son - LIE
2) SP was hiding Bristol’s pregnancy - LIE
3) SP endorsed Pat Buchanan - LIE
4) SP hates Jews - LIE
5) SP was never discussed as a possible veep candidate - LIE
6) SP was a member of an Alaskan secessionist party - LIE
7) SP was not vetted by the McCain campaign - LIE
8. SP said the Iraq was was a mission from God - LIE
9) SP lied about opposing Bridge to Nowhere - LIE and most recently debunked by the Smoking Gun
10) SP had an affair with her husband’s business partner - LIE
11) SP is a book burner - LIE

Sarah has been on the scene for a week now.

The behavior of the media is disgusting.

Here is the latest attempted smear, brought to you courtesy of the AP:

12) SP’s church is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer. ((( Prayer? …… G A S P !!! )))

And of course, the M.O.A.S., The October Surprise, the so-called Troopergate scandal. Pshaww.

Not to mention the illegal release of her social security number, the rumors, innuendo, and the untold number of truly mean-spirited references to her sex, her small town background, her Christian beliefs, etc., etc., etc. Nothing is out of bounds to these sleazy vermin.
compare and contrast:
The high and mighty Greek God Obama doesn't want anyone talking about his close relationship with the terrorist Bill Ayres. So much so that they threaten legal action against anyone bringing this ugly truth to light. He's even taking to having reporters arrested for trespassing on a public sidewalk. This is the kind of hope and change he wants to bring to America. This is what America can expect to be a daily occurrence if he becomes President.

Well I'm bringing it up Barack Hussein Obama. Millions of other Americans will too. You have a lot of questions to answer about your relationship with unrepentant Bill Ayers. Threats and intimidations won't silence us. You have a lot to answer for Mr. Obama. Guilt by association? Well, considering the job you're applying for, **** yes.

You Libs always talk big on free speech, until someone says something you don't agree with. Then you're always quick for harassment or even legal action.

Oh, and congratulations on having a ticket that's even more liberal than the last two! I didn't think that was possible! And having two Senators on the ticket! Neither with any executive experience, let alone experience at all in the case of Obama! And Biden? Are you kidding me? He's been on the wrong side of history his entire career! The depth of sound bites and video feeds from this windbag will be a goldmine for McCain.

So read the links. See for yourself. This the the change Obama wants to bring to America.

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