Thursday, August 14, 2008

To Obama, on symbols

Not only is your two-handed salute a rip-off of Star Trek, the episode you ripped it off from has uncanny parallels to your campaign:
  • TV: An insane doctor and his fanatical followers attempt to hijack the Enterprise, trying to find a paradise which they do not realize is deadly.
  • RL: An insane senator and his fanatical followers attempt to hijack America, trying to find a paradise which they do not realize is deadly.


The Local Malcontent said...

"That's not the Eden, I used to know", lord Obama will say.

Looks like a big 'Zero' to me.

Totally appropriate for him.

(good series, Hatless!)

Hatless in Hattiesburg said...

yep, it's usually goose-eggs and goose-steps with them...
