Monday, August 25, 2008

Things to Do in Denver When You're Democrat

Will this week's Democratic convention have eerie parallels to Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead?

The plot synopsis from imdb
Jimmy the Saint's business is videotaping the terminally-ill, so that they will be around to give 'Afterlife Advice' to their survivors. He hasn't been doing too well lately and has had to turn to loan-sharks to accomodate his failing business, as well as his expensive personal tastes. When an evil gangster-overlord buys up his note and demands a favor of Jimmy, in exchange for the interest that he can't afford, Jimmy capitulates. Jimmy is to scare someone for the gangster-overlord - really rough them up. Without giving too much away (spoiler), the scene goes down badly and Jimmy and his crew all end up with contracts on their heads for their trouble.
One possible scenario:

Obama "the Saint's" business is lying to the terminally-stupid, so that they will vote (D) in all upcoming elections - both now and in the afterlife. He hasn't been doing too well lately and has had to turn to the Clintons to accomodate his failing business, as well as his anti-Americanism. When Hillary demands a favor of Obama, to be the vice-presidential pick, Obama turns to a different leftist shill. Without giving too much away (spoiler), the scene goes down badly and Obama and his crew all end up with multiple self-inflicted gunshots to the back of the head in a park somewhere.

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