Saturday, February 26, 2005

Eminent Domain Abuse

On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in Kelo v. City of New London Connecticut regarding the abuse of eminent domain laws.

A Google News search shows several references to the case. Some of these cases are stronger than others. but it should be obvious that individual property rights need to be more vigorously defended, especially from greed-driven projects.

This page has one of the best summaries:
We have nothing against large corporations and wealthy developers, but they should get property the old-fashioned American way: through negotiating with willing sellers, rather than by convincing cities to use their police powers to take property from those who don’t want to sell it. We hope the Supreme Court puts the brakes on this abusive practice.

Maybe it should be decreed that the profits of any new development must be shared in perpetuity with those who were forced to leave?

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