Friday, February 11, 2005

Ben Stein's next to last post

I found this Ben Stein article just after I found the other one I just posted. I won't post the whole thing this time - just this top 20 list:

1. I am powerless over other people's anger and envy.
2. I have all the strength I need when I turn all of my problems over to God.
3. My life here and everywhere is unmanageable by me. But it is child's play to God.
4. One day at a time is the answer to everything.
5. There is only one real wealth: peace of mind.
6. My greatest power comes from my surrender to God's will every moment of every day.
7. Fear is the common human condition. The only solution that lasts is faith in God.
8. What happens to me is not terribly important.
9. I cannot control other people, and when I try, it leads to disaster.
10. Acceptance of God's will is my only option today. It is not a choice but a necessity.
11. The problem in our lives is powerlessness. The solution is also powerlessness.
12. What is health? Put your trust in God and go on with your day's work.
13. Self-pity is prison: I want out.
14. Envy is as bad for me as strychnine. I won't drink any of it.
15. My job today is to do a bit of work and stay calm and not hurt anyone, including myself. That's it.
16. Today, I am not going to judge. Not even myself.
17. Today, I will stay away from people who are foreseeably harmful.
18. Instead of trying to figure out the universe, I will think about what I am going to have for lunch.
19. I am not the director of the movie of my life. That is a far greater power than I will ever be.
20. What happens to me today is what is happening to one of eight billion people on this earth. That should give me an idea of how important I am.

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