This has been attributed to George Carlin, but I'm not so sure... It's good whoever wrote it.
Things I Believe:
The money I make belongs to me and my family, not some unelected mid-level governmental functionary who wants to give it away to crack addicts.
Owning a gun doesn't make you a killer.
It's called the Boy Scouts for a reason.
Being a minority does not make you either noble or victimized.
If you are selling me a Big Mac, you'd better do it in English.
No one should use the excuse "it's for the children" as a lie for raising taxes, adding unnecessary regulations, or otherwise impairing our freedom.
The simple fact that you are a student does not make you enlightened.
Everyone has a right to pray to their God as they believe.
The wealthy do not deserve to be hated simply because they are wealthy.
The poor do not deserve to be pitied simply because they are poor.
"Pro Wrestling" is fake and it is a waste of time to argue about it.
Global warming is a big lie designed to punish American productivity.
I've never owned a slave, or was a slave, I didn't wander forty years in the desert after getting chased out of Egypt, I haven't burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you, so shut up already.
The police have the right to pull you over if you are breaking the law, regardless of what color you are.
If you are too stupid to know how a ballot works, you do not deserve to decide who is in charge of the most powerful nation the world for the next four years.
The passing lane is ONLY for passing. Yield signs mean YOU yield your right of way.
It does not take a village to raise a child, it takes two parents.
Tattoos and piercing are okay if you want them, but please don't pretend they are a political statement.
I'm neither angry nor disenfranchised, no matter how desperately the mainstream media would like the world to believe otherwise.
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