Tuesday, May 04, 2010

NJ Senate confirmation hearings

"The state's top Democrat said he will not allow anyone to fill Wallace's seat on the New Jersey Supreme Court (until) the mandatory retirement age for justices."
Sweeney's move protests Gov. Chris Christie's unprecedented decision to not renominate Wallace, the only black member of the state's highest court...

Although Christie has the power to nominate top government officials like Supreme Court justices, as Senate president Sweeney controls which nominations and bills move through the Legislature's upper house. Top Democrats have previously said the Senate will not hold any confirmation hearings on Anne Patterson, a lawyer in a private Morristown law firm and Christie's choice to replace Wallace.

"Regardless of her qualifications, she's not going to get a hearing," said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Nicholas Scutari (D-Union), whose committee is responsible for vetting the governor's nominees.
Pop quiz: Is this instance of blatant obstructionism by NJ democrats based on:
  1. sexism
  2. racism
  3. corruption
  4. all of the above

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