Tuesday, March 10, 2009

States' Rights

Eleven of the states remind the Big O of the Tenth Amendment:
(The 10th Amendment) is as valid today as it was when it was first made in the 1780s. The poor 10th. With the exception of the 3rd - quartering troops - all the other amendments are part of our everyday life, granting us freedom of speech, the right to keep guns, the expectation of due process and trials by jury, but the 10th stands out there at the end, largely unthought about... until events happen like President Obama’s efforts to force the federal government down the throats of the states.

In response to the stimulus bill’s federal demands on states receiving stimulus money, 11 states have applied the 10th amendment and stood up to Obama: Washington, New Hampshire, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Georgia, South Carolina and Texas. All 11 have have introduced bills and resolutions schooling the prez on the 10th Amendment, telling him it protects their rights and the peoples’ rights by limiting his power.
...not that states are always right, but it is easier to restrain individual state corruption than distant and unresponsive federal corruption.


Most Rev. Gregori said...


Obama just announced that he plans to over-step his Constitutional bounds again. He announced that he plans to over-haul the entire education system which includes the lengthening of the school day. He has no Constitutional RIGHT or POWER to do so.

Anonymous said...

more centralized power is always to be shunned in favor of more localized power... smaller governments can't hide as much corruption without being exposed or imploding.

See how much California was able to hide before it blew? Imagine the federal capacity... eek.