Thursday, June 15, 2006

shifting of blame

Sarx has a very interesting post pointing out a common theme between astrology and genetics - shifting of blame. It looks to me like the same theme can be found in Genesis 3:12-13...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Had to tell you that i went to sarx and followed a trail to a cool article in GayCityNews(seriously).

I commented on a favourite blog of mine against a ~Holy Fratimony~ service that's documented at I was told that if i(and another commenter) could act so unChristian- then it spelled poorly for Christ. I simply said i felt it blasphemous to Bless an act not considered - oh, i don't know- fill in the blank. It was worshipping at two alters.

From sarx, to Eve, to Dappled Things to this article on a Jewish gay man feeling the call from God to become celibate. It was exactly what i wanted to say- if we love God so much- we have to shape our boundries around Him- not bend His rule to fit around our needs.

Thank you- in a roundabout&winding way- for making me feel better about speaking up when i knew(absolutely knew) i wasn't going to say the ~right~ thing.