Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Deformed

(10 updates below)

The anti-intellectual liberals at my workplace are congratulating themselves today as to how much more compassionate they are than "those bigoted and mean-spirited conservatives". I would like to ask them "how can ruining everyone's health can be considered compassionate?" (...but i'd much rather remain employed)

update 1: in response to one particular person's wait-and-see attitude, i'll point out that the legal resistance has already begun.

update 2: some related quotes via dustbury:
Our political class and bureaucracy are a bunch of bumblers, time servers who are squatting on the neck of society. Their cost far exceeds their benefit. It is perfectly rational — not extreme — to demand relief from their predations. They simply aren’t very good at what they do and need to be downsized like any other enterprise that has lost its focus and no longer produces value... Political leaders have no idea what they are doing. They need to listen rather than preach so that they can become marginally less incompetent... It isn’t that there is some magic formula, some set of politicians and policies that can make huge, centralized authoritarian societies work well. They can’t work well. It’s a silly idea that arises from muddled thinking that glosses over the particularities of systems. It [is] a juvenile notion that belongs in a jar kept by the door where you place your cherished illusions when leaving your cloister to engage with the reality of the world at large.
update 3: imao is optimistic:
There’s no use in conservatives getting too down in any political defeat, because we’ll always still be our awesome selves, and liberals will still be losers who smell weird... We’re conservatives; we have useful things to do.
update 4: double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble.

update 5: telling us all what some of us already knew - "it's all about control".

update 6: if the program is so great, why did obama, pelosi, exempt themselves from it?

update 7: truth in numbers and pictures.

update 8: the best summary yet:
We've passed a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke. What could possibly go wrong?".
update 9: How do the democrats plan to enforce their takeover of America? ACORN brownshirts.

update 10: explanation of how this is bad numbers and bad law

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