Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Massachusetts Vote

"The Chicago-Obama Democratic machine must be bursting with pride at a Massachusetts Democratic operation that clearly has the skill sets necessary to deprive the voters of an honest and unpoliticized outcome."

update 1: Tom Blumer continues:
The run-up to the 2008 presidential election and the first year of Barack Obama’s administration represent a virtual case study in how authoritarian rule begins to take root. History surely will recite a lengthy litany of freedom-restricting and/or government power-enhancing laws, regulations, actions, and statements that have come from Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and their swelling ranks of apparatchiks since they assumed one-party control of the U.S. government and Congress early last year.
update 2 & bump: Like Chicagoa, MA has plenty'a dead votahs.

update 3: The Anchoress weighs in...

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