Wednesday, May 13, 2009

oh i wish

Obama antitrust crackdown to nail DNC, big unions:
"The Democratic National Committee and Big Labor are typical monopolies," said Christine A. Varney, head of the antitrust division at Justice. "The DNC controls at least two out three branches of government, and it recently raided a weaker competitor to steal a U.S. senator and thus to get a filibuster-proof monopoly..."

"The current recession gives dangerous incentive for large and dominating firms to engage in predatory behavior that harms citizens and weakens competition," Varney said. "This collusion for market dominance by the DNC makes Google, Microsoft and even the old Standard Oil look like bit players."
read the rest.

1 comment:

The Local Malcontent said...

"The current recession gives dangerous incentive for large and dominating firms to engage in predatory behavior that harms citizens and weakens competition,", Ms. Varney.

Does that mean that it's inevitable, Vern?
Well, does it, Vern?!