Tuesday, May 17, 2005

so many mudslingers...

Notice the dig on blogs in this story about a Castro speech.
Speaking for up to four hours at a time, Castro thunders with indignation and laughs at the absurd as he reads the news before a live audience of Communist officials, occasionally pausing to flip through a scattering of papers in front of him hunting for a quotation.

The result is remarkably like a televised version of an Internet blog, references to outside news sources tightly wrapped in personal commentary.
The article is remarkably like a corporate version of an Internet blog, references to outside news sources tightly wrapped in personal commentary.

I'm not sticking up for Castro. Ambos lados son ridículos.

1 comment:

sackofcatfood said...

I would be more inclined to liken that to foreign extemp--a speech and debate category where you have a box of news articles you prepare yourself, and give a seven minute speech on it. Of course, you're expected write and memorize it in thirty minutes first, but as far as commenting on what's in the news Castro is also preceededy by Rush Limbaugh, the Daily Show, etc., etc..