Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Liars Exposed II

IMAO observes that "Newsweek has blood on its hands, and directly caused more deaths with their single lie than any of the "torture" done by the photo-happy dopes at Abu Ghraib". Doesn't MSM have a wonderful set of checks and balances?


UPDATE: Reporting about the Newsweek scandal, our local news just said the magazine "is worried that the damage may be irreversible." Here's a scoop for those fact-challenged morons: DEATH IS IRREVERSIBLE, AS IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN. YOUR WORDS CAUSED SEVENTEEN DEATHS, AND NOTHING YOU SAY CAN REVERSE THAT.

That insipid line was followed by George Stephanoppulagus doing his well-practiced song-and-dance trying to shift focus away from the real issues. I've got another scoop for them: YOUR "APOLOGY" IS PATHETIC. BY YOUR EVASION TACTICS, IT IS OBVIOUS THAT YOU HAVE NO REGRETS, EXCEPT THAT YOU DIDN'T GET ANY PHOTOS OF THE CARNAGE.


UPDATE 2: Too little, too late.


UPDATE 3: We wish...

We also wish "more Americans would actually think about the harm these draft-dodging little Trotskyites have done to this country with their tireless campaign of hatred against conservatives."


UPDATE 4: "Even if (flushing the koran) did happen... what of it? Does that constitute some sort of Geneva Convention violation? In view of the hand-chopping and rape rooms of Saddam Hussein, maintaining that argument borders on the macabre."


UPDATE 5: Don't blame the Pentagon, Newsweek, we know what you did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The MSM strikes again! They have figured out that the damage caused by death may be irreversible. WOW! Thanks for pointing that one out. (Next thing you know, they will figure out that the sun going down in the west causes darkness.)

Sorta like an internet headline that I saw "24 Iraqis killed, at least 50 bodies found." (Yeah, I know they were talking about two different things, but they don't have much sense in their headlines, or anywhere else, do they?)