Thursday, March 10, 2011

just raised that way

"Most people... agree that the behavior and views of Mr. Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church are contemptible and not deserving of the respect of decent people. Many commentators and cartoonists have reviled and mocked them in print, not just for their awful behavior at funerals, but for the beliefs they hold about homosexuality and American decadence.

But here's an interesting thing. The Westboro baptists are on the fringe of American Christianity, but they're roundly condemned for holding views that are actually in the mainstream of American Islam.

Whether it's their conviction that God hates homosexuals, or that God rejoices in the deaths of American soldiers, or that America is a fundamentally decadent society which deserves to be destroyed, there are a lot of devout Muslims in this country who would fervently assent to all of these."

1 comment:

Col. B. Bunny said...

Good point about MSM (main stream Musslemanry).

Re the Supreme Court decision, I believe it was intended to establish as First Amendment doctrine that it absolutely does not matter whether you offend someone with what you say. Even the sensibilities of grieving families of dead servicemen are not enough to weaken the protection of the First Amendment. A great win in light of the detestable Euroweasels who slobber over any Muslim who says his feelings were hurt. By the truth, invariably, but that's an irrelevancy in that unlovely, servile place.