Wednesday, June 02, 2010


update 1: did you know that sabres and molotov cocktails are considered humanitarian aid? only to the philistines...


a society of darwin award winners
(The Palestinian people are) backwards, genocidal, hyper-violent, sad-sack Nazi wannabes led by terrorists who would happily murder every Jew on the planet if they could get away with it.

(The Israelis are) a tiny Western democracy surrounded by backwards savages who want to murder them down to the last child because they're Jews. Moreover, despite all the claims to the contrary, they're the most restrained people on earth. If you don't believe that, consider the fact that they could simply drive the Palestinians off their land and take it at any point, but instead, they've chosen to permanently live beside of millions of people who make the Manson family look sane. If the Israelis were somehow replaced by Americans, we'd drive the Palestinians off their land at gunpoint in six months tops -- and we'd be perfectly justified in doing so.

So, that brings us to the relief flotillas... this time around, the Jew-haters on the flotilla made a critical Darwin-Award-worthy error: they assaulted an Israeli commando team with knives, sticks, and guns.
via directorblue


Col. B. Bunny said...

Good find on the weapons on board. Absolutely deflates the "monstrous Israelis" argument.

Btw, your link to HVB has a stray double quote in it that makes it not work. To wit,"/

Hatless in Hattiesburg said...

fixed, thanks.