Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Chicago S.O.P.

Gates of Vienna:
So the governor’s office was offering to sell Obama’s vacant seat for the right price. It sounds like standard operating procedure for the Chicago political machine. But Barack Obama is the child and beneficiary of that same machine. Who bought his chance at a Senate seat for him? And what price was paid for it?
Illinois Senate seat: $? million
U.S. Presidency: $600 million
Media supression of relevant questions: $$$billions
Turning the White House into Uncle Dem's Cabin: priceless


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the "Real America" -- those in the cities, savoring their Revolution -- are beginning to ponder the old saying "be careful what you ask for."

They actually ASKED FOR A CHICAGO MACHINE POL TO BE PRESIDENT. Sure, he doesn't look or sound like one -- Blagojevich has that great Chicago-Thug swagger down pat, a la Daley -- but let's face it. Obama's HQ is The City With Big Shoulders.

I suppose it could be worse... the voters could have installed a Philly politician, or Marion Berry... !

PS I think you misspelled "S.O.B." in the title... :op

The Local Malcontent said...

somewhat by necessity, I withhold caustic comment on Blago, and Chicago politics.

Let's let the rats jump ship, and begin naming names first.

And BTW, and especially,
Thank you, hatless~!