Wednesday, July 16, 2008

real change

viewpoint recommends newt gingrich's new book 'real change'
...the problem is that though the American public may know what it wants, it doesn't vote for it. It doesn't have the foggiest idea who in Congress stands for what, and consequently it elects people who actually oppose the very things that Americans say they want. For example:
  • Ninety six percent want the Social Security system fixed now.
  • Seventy one percent want a flat tax.
  • Sixty five percent want nuclear power plants built.
  • Eighty seven percent want English declared the official language.
Yet Congress is run by people who refuse to do any of these things.

Gingrich rightly faults Republicans for failing to lead on these and other issues when they had the majority, and he rightly faults Democrats for thwarting reform largely because they're beholden to bureaucracies, unions and interest groups which would lose power and money were real reforms to be enacted. But he nowhere faults the American people for their slothful approach to politics and their indifference to the responsibility imposed upon them by the rigtht to vote.

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