Sunday, April 06, 2008

yes, let's...

do have barack's "conversation about race in America".

update: so, how's that conversation going?

1 comment:

The Local Malcontent said...

The remarks by Pat Buchanan within that Viewpoint post were especially significant: That no other nation on Earth has been better to the Black race, in every catagory, and also that the reverand Wright should fall to his knees, thanking God that he was born an American.

That conversation about 'Race in America', urged by Mr. Obama, would inevitably take on the same air of victimhood and unilateral shame that all previous conversations about Race have.
That, and more of the same failed, governmental solutions.

Ya know, Hatless, the next, lower post at Viewpoint, regarding North Korea, had a very salient point which does apply to Sen. Obama's run for president, and thus, his urging a conversation on Race: Paraphrasing "Karl Marx would be ashamed, if he were alive today to see his failed policies and the misery in all communist countries".

The similarity I see is: Mr. Obama is so keen on Change and Hope -but in such dismal failed policies as socialism and raceial repairations.
He likewise, should be ashamed.