The government is not your salvation. The government is not your road to prosperity. Hard work, education will take you far beyond what any government program can ever promise.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
islamic rage, yaawwwnnnn
personally, i'm more outraged by the beheadings, bombings, and misogyny of islam more than a film that depicts the threat.
sick sad world
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Unlike some other sites, this blog is just too important to shut down in protest :D , but here's a quote about (yet another) really bad piece of proposed legislation:
(SOPA) is like shutting down a freeway because a car got stolen.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
not MLK's day
which is worse: that martin luther king jr's "dream" has devolved into a "society" of gangsta-rappin-pimps-n-hos, or that somebody designed a poster showing how bad things have gotten?
sick sad world
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
i'm not calling for a boycott
i'm just not going to buy these brands any more:
- 7UP
- A&W
- Cactus Cooler
- Canada Dry
- Clamato (as if anyone drinks that swill)
- Coco Casa
- Country Time
- Crush
- Deja Blue
- Diet Rite
- Dr Pepper
- Elements
- Hawaiian Punch
- Hires
- Holland House
- Margaritaville
- Mistic
- Mott's
- Mr & Mrs T
- Nantucket Nectars
- Nehi
- Orangina
- Peñafiel
- RC Cola
- ReaLemon
- Rose's
- Schweppes
- Snapple
- Squirt
- Stewart's
- Sun Drop
- Sunkist
- Tahitian Treat
- Venom Energy
- Vernors
- Welch's
- Yoo-hoo
as of 5 p.m. today there is no more Dublin Dr Pepper: From here on out, per a settlement agreement just announced in the case filed by Plano-based Dr Pepper Snapple Group in June, the Dublin Dr Pepper Bottling Company will now be known as Dublin Bottling Works Inc. And it will no longer manufacture Imperial Pure Cane Sugar Dr Pepper at its bottling plant.
random thoughts,
sick sad world,
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
mcsweeney's list is almost as cool as the emoticon i invented:
me, with goatee, surprised by something to my left
me, with goatee, surprised by something to my left
humor - real and alleged
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
this review via google maps

(sorry for preview issues. please click on image to read right half of it...)

(sorry for preview issues. please click on image to read right half of it...)
humor - real and alleged
Monday, January 09, 2012
dave barry's year in review
"This was a year in which the cast members of “Jersey Shore” went to Italy and then — in an inexcusable lapse of border security — were allowed to return."
humor - real and alleged
Friday, January 06, 2012
with no particular place to go
a meme via dustbury:
jan: "Simply stated, if we are to believe the Islamic scripture’s portrayal of this “prophet,” Muhammad was the most repulsive, and thus the least qualified, divine messenger in human history."
feb: You mean there's someone else out there who has to deal with unfair complaints from co-workers?
mar: why are we supposed to care more about lindsay lohan's and charlies sheen's... misadventures... than about the problems of some guy that lives downtown in an abandoned entryway behind a bus stop?
apr: i have now personally seen chiropractors who believe in their profession at five levels.
may: sony's database was hacked, again.
jun: "Saying that man didn’t land on the moon, that Bush caused 9/11, or that Obama knows what he’s doing aren’t simply other opinions — they’re false and destructive ideas, and the people who cling to them border on mental illness."
jul: john lennon, republican?!?
aug: Q: What's green and looks like an iguana?
sep: now that the freedom tower is nearing completion, maybe we can begin some foundation restoration
oct: "If in 2004 5.7% unemployment was supposed to mark a “jobless recovery,” what exactly is 9.1% called?"
nov: Ann Coulter via Instapundit didn't go far enough...
dec: i never would have known to avoid the burzynski clinic if it weren't for their threats...
Go into your archives and post the first sentence from the first post you made each month last year.I'm going to cheat a wee bit because some of mine are just links to someone else's quote:
jan: "Simply stated, if we are to believe the Islamic scripture’s portrayal of this “prophet,” Muhammad was the most repulsive, and thus the least qualified, divine messenger in human history."
feb: You mean there's someone else out there who has to deal with unfair complaints from co-workers?
mar: why are we supposed to care more about lindsay lohan's and charlies sheen's... misadventures... than about the problems of some guy that lives downtown in an abandoned entryway behind a bus stop?
apr: i have now personally seen chiropractors who believe in their profession at five levels.
may: sony's database was hacked, again.
jun: "Saying that man didn’t land on the moon, that Bush caused 9/11, or that Obama knows what he’s doing aren’t simply other opinions — they’re false and destructive ideas, and the people who cling to them border on mental illness."
jul: john lennon, republican?!?
aug: Q: What's green and looks like an iguana?
sep: now that the freedom tower is nearing completion, maybe we can begin some foundation restoration
oct: "If in 2004 5.7% unemployment was supposed to mark a “jobless recovery,” what exactly is 9.1% called?"
nov: Ann Coulter via Instapundit didn't go far enough...
dec: i never would have known to avoid the burzynski clinic if it weren't for their threats...
it's all about meme,
random links,
random thoughts
Thursday, January 05, 2012
the slow down
entropy? inertia? some other fancy word for laziness?
i haven't forgotten this blog, i just don't have much to say at the moment (without excessive whining). just watch this strangely-relevant rerun in the meantime.
i haven't forgotten this blog, i just don't have much to say at the moment (without excessive whining). just watch this strangely-relevant rerun in the meantime.
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
old years resolutions
no i'm not making any this year - not even silly ones like i've posted before. so here's a pic of (allegedly) woody guthrie's resolutions for some year long past.
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