Monday, September 13, 2010

bowwowack obowwowma

re "they talk about barack like a dog" - the comments are better than the article:
You mean the Nobel Prize he won wasn’t for best of breed?

If he had only been treated like the fool he is all along we could have avoided all of this and saved several trillion dollars to boot.

He thought he could get a little sympathy from his most loyal followers – the unions – and instead gave us a glimpse into the real Obama: an over-praised nincompoop bewildered and enraged that the unwashed masses who elected him are daring to turn against him.

What goes around, comes around, Barry. You trash-talk Tea Party Patriots, Republicans, Fox News, Cops, etc. etc. When they bite back, you start squealing like a little stuck pig. Suck it up, El Presidente, you deserve it.

The fact of the matter is Obama has been treated with kid gloves compared to Bush, and Sarah Palin has been roasted compared to Obama.

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