Tuesday, July 27, 2004

You go, Dan!

Here's the full text of UN Ambassador Dan Gillerman's speech to the UN about the Israel's fence. (Actually, the link is to the first of 8 pages. I guess since the UN excels in longwindedness, he should speak their language.)

One good quote from page 5:
We are not impressed by lectures from Palestinian spokesmen about respect for the rule of law. We have all witnessed first hand the extent of the Palestinian leadership's respect for law in its support for a brutal campaign of terrorism that violates every basic legal norm. We have learned of their concern for human rights and humanitarian law, when rejoicing over the murder of innocent citizens in terrorist attacks, not only in Israel but around the world, or when plundering international donor money intended to benefit their own people. We have heard similar self-righteous rhetoric from some other regimes in our region. Those enraged when Israel seeks to protect itself under extremely difficult conditions, but unable to muster a word of condemnation for the systematic and shocking ethnic cleansing underway in the Sudan, or the violations of basic rights and freedoms in their own countries. This rage and concern, this spirited defense of the rule of law, would carry a little more conviction if it were a little less self-serving. For too many regimes in the region this declared adherence to the rule of law is advanced only when politically expedient. The cause of peace and the lives of people in the region would be far better served if these States actually held themselves to the standard to which they demand Israel alone to adhere.

Found via Occam's Toothbrush.

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